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Ubhuku Lwamanqe

Ubhuku Lwamanqe


“Lena incwadi yomdlalo okusetshenziswe kuwo abalingiswa abazithola bebhekene nezinkinga, nezingcindezi kanye nezinselelo zempilo yobugebengu obuhleliwe okwenza balokhu bebisha kancane kancane omsingeni olubhuku lwamanqe ukuze ekugcineni kuzuze wona.
Okuhlala obala ukuthi laba balingiswa basuka bengaboni ukuthi izinyosi zidla uju lwazo baphinde bakhohlwe ukuthi alikho iqili elazikhotha emhlane kanti yonke imfihlo empilweni inendlela evela ngayo nangemuva kweminyakanyaka leso sigameko senzeka.”

This book is a drama in which the characters find themselves facing problems, pressures and challenges of an organized crime life which makes them find themselves sinking in deep streams and caught by vultures so that in the end it will benefit them.
What remains clear is that these characters leave not realizing that their overindulging and forgetting that there is no trick which licked itself on the back and every secret in life has a way of coming out even years after that incident happened.

Genre: Setwork
Age: Grade 12 Learners

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