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Marc Eugene Lottering

Marc Eugene Lottering


In Marc Lottering’s latest solo show, the super popular comedian tells personal stories never heard before. He also shares his discovery of where he thinks his colourful family tree stems from. As is to be expected, his stories are hilariously outrageous. His mom, when he was little, convinced him that they were all originally “blonde German-Caribbeans”. This critically acclaimed show enjoyed a sell-out season in Joburg and Cape Town, with many fans claiming it to be his best work yet. In 2024, Lottering was inducted into the Savanna Comics’ Choice Hall of Fame.
Duration: 75min
No u/16

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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Artscape, Opera House, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


Marc Eugene Lottering

01 May 2025 12:00


In Marc Lottering se jongste solovertoning deel die supergewilde komediant persoonlike stories wat nog nooit vantevore gehoor is nie. Sy ontdekkings oor waar hy dink sy kleurvolle familie vandaan kom, word ook oorgedra. Soos jy net kan dink, is sy beskouings skreeusnaaks en verregaande – sy ma het hom immers in sy kinderjare oortuig dat hulle almal oorspronklik “blonde German-Caribbeans” was. Marc Eugene Lottering het oral uitverkoopte speelvakke gehad, met baie aanhangers wat dit as sy beste werk nog beskou. Lottering is in 2024 met die Savanna Comics’ Choice se Hall of Fame-prys vereer.

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