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Venus vs Modernity: Saartjie Baartman

Venus vs Modernity: Saartjie Baartman

Venus vs Modernity: Saartjie Baartman

28 Sep 2019 20:15


Venus VS Modernity, a didactic ensemble of the summarized life events of Saartjie Baartman.

Documented previously as the victim of firstly adverse conditions as a slave in the Cape slave sex camps that existed on the coast and then later as a human freak show in Paris France in the early 1800s due to her ample posterior.

A living space of about 10 years depicting her journey to Europe with the promise of a new life of fame and glory, this story taps into the misogynistic tangles she was captured in and what she made of her situation.

A story told from the perspective of the victim who may perhaps not have seen herself as such in certain circumstances.


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Venus vs Modernity: Saartjie Baartman