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In samewerking met Protea Boekhuis
Met Pieter Odendaal en Herschelle Benjamin

Droomwerk is ’n toneelstuk oor “die konstante soeke na identiteit en waar ons inpas in die samelewing. En hoe ’n mens trauma uit die verlede kan verwerk.” Bekroonde digter en dramaturg Pieter Odendaal delf in sy familiegeskiedenis. Hy verken sy herkoms as ’n wit Afrikaanssprekende man met slawe as voorouers. Die hoofkarakters in Droomwerk is losweg gegrond op sy oupa (’n apartheidsenator in die jare sewentig) en sy stammoeder, Diana van Madagaskar, die 17de-eeuse slavin wat haar dogter Susanna moes weggee aan die Europeërs.

In collaboration with Protea Books
With Pieter Odendaal and Herschelle Benjamin

Droomwerk is a play about “the constant search for identity and the way we fit into society. And how we can process trauma from the past”. Award-winning poet and playwright Pieter Odendaal delves into his family history, exploring his descent as a white Afrikaans-speaking man with slaves as ancestors. The main characters of Droomwerk are loosely based on his grandfather (an apartheid senator in the 70s), and his ancestral grandmother, Diana van Madagascar, the 17th-century slave who had to give her daughter to the Europeans

- Entrance to the discussions is free, but to ensure your seat, it is crucial to book your ticket through Webtickets and present it at the door.
- Books will be on sale at the venue and the authors will sign your copy after the talks.
- Join us for a cup of coffee – on the house – and be part of the conversations

Duration: 60 min

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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