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Aangebied deur die SBA
Met Belinda Kruiper en Lyntjie Jaars

Om die aandag op Suid-Afrika se eerste nasie te vestig, het die SBA ’n lekkerleesboek oor die Kalahari-Boesmans uitgegee. Kalahari-waarheid handel oor die lewe van Belinda Kruiper wat in 1997 as ontvangsdame by die Kgalagadi-oorgrenspark begin werk het. Belinda het die Boesmans se vertroue gewen, hulle met grondeise bygestaan, met die bekende kunstenaar Vetkat getrou en was ook werksaam by die Suid-Afrikaanse San Instituut. Tipiese Kalahari-stories wat om kampvure vertel word oor leeus en jakkalse, die nimmereindige duine en nagkoue uitspansel, kom treffend aan die bod.

Presented by the SBA
With Belinda Kruiper and Lyntjie Jaars

To focus the spotlight on South Africa’s first nation, the SBA published a collection of beautiful tales told by the Kalahari Bushmen. Kalahari-waarheid tells the story of Belinda Kruiper, who started her career as a receptionist at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in 1997. Elana Bregin is the co-author of this remarkable book. Belinda subsequently gained the trust of the Bushmen, supported them with land claims, married the well-known artist Vetkat, and worked at the South African San Institute. Typical campfire Kalahari stories about the lion and the jackal, the ever-waving dunes, and the starry firmament will be told like you’ve never heard it before.

- Entrance to the discussions is free, but to ensure your seat, it is crucial to book your ticket through Webtickets and present it at the door.
- Books will be on sale at the venue and the authors will sign your copy after the talks.
- Join us for a cup of coffee – on the house – and be part of the conversations

Duration: 60 min
Language: Afrikaans

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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