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In samewerking met Boekdiva
Met Phoebe Gerwel, Rachelle Greeff en Haidee Muller-Isaacs
In haar aangrypende memoir herroep Phoebe Gerwel herinneringe van haar grootwordjare in Grassy Park, asook die ontmoeting met die skrander jong plattelandse man in Adam Small se filosofieklas. Min het sy toe geweet watter draaie haar lewe sou loop met dié belese man wat later ’n groot rol sou speel in die land se oorgangstydperk na 1994. Maar aan die donker kant van die opwindende lewe van internasionale reise en ontmoetings met staatshoofde, voer Phoebe ’n lewenslange stryd teen bipolêre gemoedsteuring.
In collaboration with Boekdiva
With Phoebe Gerwel, Rachelle Greeff and Haidee Muller-Isaacs
In her captivating memoir, Phoebe Gerwel remembers her childhood years in Grassy Park, as well as her encounter with the bright young rural fellow in Adam Small’s Philosophy class. Little did she know what turns her life would take at the side of the erudite man who would eventually play a leading role in the country’s transition to democracy. However, in the shadows of an exciting life of travels all over the world and meetings with heads of state, Phoebe was caught in a life-long battle with bipolar disorder.
- Entrance to the discussions is free, but to ensure your seat, it is crucial to book your ticket through Webtickets and present it at the door.
- Books will be on sale at the venue and the authors will sign your copy after the talks.
- Join us for a cup of coffee – on the house – and be part of the conversations.
Duration: 60 min
Language: Afrikaans
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.