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Met Selim Kagee en Albert Combrink
Selim Kagee se fluweelstem sleur gehore regoor die aardbol mee. Sy toetrede tot die musiekwêreld is in 2012 deur sy debuutalbum Cry for Love ingelui. In Il Mondo klee hy treffers soos “Il Mondo”, “She” en “For the Good Times” in ’n nuwe baadjie terwyl hy humoristiese staaltjies oor sy musikale reis deel. Selim se onvergeetlike swerftog deur die landskap van musiek word gekenmerk deur nostalgie, romantiek en kreatiwiteit uit die diepte van sy hart.

Selim Kagee’s velvet voice captivates audiences globally. His 2012 debut album Cry for Love marked his entry into the music scene. In Il Mondo, he revitalises classics such as “Il Mondo”, “She” and “For the Good Times” while sharing humorous anecdotes of his journey through music. Selim’s unforgettable musical odyssey evokes nostalgia, romance and heartfelt expression.

Language: English
Duration: 60 min

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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