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First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan

First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan

First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan

07 Oct 2022 11:00


In First People verken die argeoloog Andrew Smith ons kennis van Suider-Afrika se vroegste inwoners. Hy gebruik argeologiese uitgrawings, rotskuns, die waarnemings van reisigers tydens die koloniale era, linguistiek, die studie van die menslike genoom, asook die mees onlangse akademiese navorsing. Hierdie waardevolle, ryk-geïllustreerde en hoogs toeganklike werk ondersoek die marginalisering van die Khoisan in die geskiedenis en samelewing. Smith, ’n kenner van die Khoisan-geskiedenis, skets a ingeligte en fassinerende portret van die Khoisan se grondbesetting, migrasie, oorlewingstrategieë en kulturele praktyke.

In First People, archaeologist Andrew Smith examines our knowledge about Southern Africa’s earliest inhabitants, drawing on evidence from excavations, rock art, the observations of colonial-era travellers, linguistics, the study of the human genome, and the latest academic research. Richly illustrated, this invaluable and accessible work explores how the Khoisan were pushed to the margins of history and society. Smith, who is an expert on the history of the Khoisan, paints a knowledgeable and fascinating portrait of the Khoisan’s land occupation, migration, survival strategies, and cultural practices.

Met Andrew Smith
Gespreksleier Ruda Landman
Taal Engels
Tydsduur 60 min


First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan