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Karl Barth: Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie?

Karl Barth: Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie?

Karl Barth: Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie?

08 Oct 2022 12:00


Daar is ? immer-dringende, dog dubbelsinnige vraag na die kerk se publieke rol in ons samelewing. Is die vraag na publieke teologie in Suid-Afrika sedert demokrasie ook (nog steeds) ? vraag na profetiese teologie? Volgens Karl Barth se verstaan van Jesus Christus se profetiese amp, skuil die antwoord in die aanhoor van die van-Sélf-sprekende wat ons algaande insluit by Sy bevrydende waarheid en bestemde getuienis vir die wêreld.

The question about the church’s public role in the community is ever so urgent, though ambiguous. Is the search for public theology in South Africa since democracy (still) a quest for prophetical theology? According to Karl Barth’s understanding of Jesus’ prophetical position, the answer lies in listening to the Sélf-evident that continues to include us in His liberating truth and intended testimony in the world.

Met Martin Laubscher, Eugene Fortuin (gespreksleier)
Taal Afrikaans
Tydsduur 60 min
Prys R30 | R35 by die deur


Karl Barth: Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie?