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The Umgeni Water Marathon takes place in March every year during National Water Week at Midmar Dam.
42.2 km - 5 hrs 30 mins
21.1 km - 3hrs 15 mins
10km - 2 hrs 15 mins
Free T-shirts to ALL entrants. Medals to all finishers within the cut-off times.
All athletes must collect their race packs 12 March at Collegians Club, 381 Boshoff St, PMB, 2pm-5pm or 13 March at Midmar Dam resort 4:00am-5:15am.
All athletes will be required to COMPLETE A COVID SCREENING FORM on registration. Please download FinishTime passport app on your phone from Google Play, enter your personal details, select Umgeni Water Marathon and complete the Covid questionnaire.
Entries close 6 March 2022.