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Allesverloren Opskop with Ray Dylan POSTPONED

Allesverloren Opskop with Ray Dylan POSTPONED

Allesverloren Opskop with Ray Dylan POSTPONED

08 May 2020 18:30



Join us the night before The Riebeek Valley's annual Olive Festival to celebrate not only the 2020 harvest, but also the festivities of the weekend. Ray Dylan will be entertaining us, with hits such as Jessica, after which everyone can dance the night away with DJ Riaan.

The gates will open at 18:00 ( Ray Dylan will start at 19:30) so if you find yourself in or near the Riebeek Valley, join us for a lovely celebration, we offer some great wines for those of you retired their dancing shoes! There will be a cash bar, food stalls and LOADS of giveaways for all ages. The entrance is free for preschool children and tickets will be sold at the entrance.

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Allesverloren Opskop with Ray Dylan POSTPONED